The current mood of rosedryad at

Welcome to my site! I'll be sharing my pixel art, game mods, and maybe even my own games someday. I like fairies, gardens, crystals, mushrooms, pink & purple, and flowers so most of my pixel art is inspired by all of that.

Follow me on Neocities.

November 30, 2022 | 12:35PM PST

I disappeared for a while due to being sick for weeks and then one of my dogs had to be put down. He was old and got very sick.

So my new layout has been on hold. It's actually like 90% done but I just can't make myself finish it just yet. I'm probably just going focus on playing Minecraft and Flyff Universe for now.

Also I have to let the Pixel Garden MP expire. Unfortunately, I can't afford to keep it anymore so I might look into free forums later or just move it to Discord.

September 26, 2022 | 4:54PM PST

I've been updating Pixel Garden MB and added a new pixel challenge for Halloween. I'm currently learning more PHP programming so I can see if I can create the features that I had wanted to add to the forum forever ago. (Because the programmer that was going to do it ghosted me!)

Then I got distracted and decided to make a pixel clique & club of my own.

Tiny Garden is basically a link exchange similar to Pocket Town of the early 2000's. Anyone can make one!

Sticker Sheet Club is a pixel club where you make small pixel stickers to put on a sticker sheet & you can collect and display other's stickers too! Anyone can join, no sign up required.

Now I'll go back to working on the Pixel Garden MB!

September 16, 2022 | 12:05PM PST

It's been a while since I made any big updates to my site. I'm still online and I can always be reached via Discord or IG. I just have too many hobbies and I tend to go back and forth for months at a time. Or real life gets in the way so I just pause everything. I do plan on making a new layout soon!

What I've been up to in the past year:

A few months ago, I was working on making a basic Alien Shooter game so I could finally make use of some of my pixel art. It has some bugs and I just never got around to figuring out how to fix them so I haven't released the game yet.

I was also working on finishing up some of my Stardew Valley mods. I opted them in for rewards so I could feel less guilty about making things for fun.

Plus my old crochet/knitting pattern shop doesn't bring me in much passive income anymore. So I decided to try to make pixel art emotes and badges on Etsy and Ko-fi.

And I was working on making stuff for a handmade shop Ami Moon but I'm not sure when it'll be ready to go live. I did too much and ended up getting a carpal tunnel + tendonitis flare up that lasted for over a month.

Now I'm mostly playing Flyff Universe, browsing Neopets, making pixel art on my phone, or playing around in Procreate. I've cut down my online time to just a couple of hours a day because real life has been so busy.